Author: kingcr

About Me- Caroline King

I am originally from a small town called Farmington, Connecticut but currently a senior at the College of Charleston. Currently I am a Communications major and a member of the Tech Newsies. My dream job would involve me moving to NYC to do fashion PR for a well respected brand (fingers crossed). I spend a majority of my time being outshined by my little sister, going on runs that quickly turn into walks and stalking golden retrievers on Google. Oh, and if I’m not married by thirty I am coming back to Charleston and marrying the guy who makes my caprese panini at Caviar and Bananas.

Taylor’s Bio

Hi there, my name is Taylor Weissman and i am one of the contributing authors of this blog. Im also a member of Communication 410 at CofC, where I am currently a senior majoring in communications and minoring in psychology. Im best described as a wild card with a pet rabbit (Moo), who enjoys having a good time and creating fun laughable memories. Im beyond obsessed with anything pertaining to Masters of Sx or Girls (Jessa is my spirit animal) and a self-declared travel junkie. I also vehemently abstain from Breaking Bad, so apologies to my fellow tv obsessed peers. Ive been fortunate to travel to around 27 countries on 5 continents and I have no plans on stopping anytime soon. The goal is to end up on a no-fly list for excessive world travel some day and write a rather nsfw memoir of my misadventures.


When im not online shopping, obsessing over my irrational fear of ISIS, or tweeting simultaneously from my phone and computer, I can be found exploring Charleston, daydreaming about future adventures, or instagramming pictures of Moo. I also really enjoy reading and keeping up to date with the latest news on communication and technology, so I hope to be able to contribute a lot!


peace out girl scout,

Taylor Weissman

Mikes Bio

I am Michael Borer,  a contributor to this blog and a member of the Communication 410 class section 9. I am also an assistant kitchen manager at Mellow Mushroom on King street. I enjoy playing soccer with friends and flipping pizza by night. I enjoy writing and my favorite shows are South Park and Game Of Thrones. I also enjoy craft beers of all types. Beer is great, Soccer is Life, and reading is life. Keep up with my posts and enjoy!

-Michael Borer

GM’s Hand Free Cadillac… Good or Bad?

This post is about new Technology and how it is being used in the world today!

General Motor’s announced yesterday, September 8th, that they will be releasing hands free model Cadillacs in 2016. Now don’t get too excited, they are not “completely” hands free. According to the report by BBC news, the cars will be fitted with vehicle-to-vehicle communication that will enable drivers using cruise control at high speeds to not have to worry about other drivers, but instead the cars themselves will be able to slow themselves, and maintain speed in one lane. The first car to be equipped with the technology will be the 2017 Cadillac CTS sedan. I know for sure I am not the only one who has ever been driving and wished that you could just put the car on auto pilot and kick back, read a book, take a nap, eat, or watch a movie. Well unfortunately we are not there quite yet. Although the car will have a much smarter cruise control that doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay attention to the road. The car will be able to maintain speed, brake when necessary, and alert you to things around you. BBC states, “Automated driving is expected to ease congestion and reduce accidents, though drivers will still be expected to pay full attention to the road, rather than shifting their focus to reading the paper or applying make-up.” So there is a relative answer of how much can actually be done with the new technology. GM’s chief executive, Mary Barra, states “I’m convinced customers will embrace [vehicle-to-vehicle] and automated driving technologies for one simple reason: they are the answer to everyday problems that people want solved.”

This article was a great example of technology advancing for the worse. People replacing a skill that we should all know just to sit in a car and let it drive you on autopilot. Okay well maybe I am exaggerating a bit! I personally do not think that this is a good idea at all. I have driven a car that will break automatically when another car that is in front of your car is going slower. That being said, it doesn’t mean that it is safer in any way. I cannot imagine driving being safer if you are not in control. One thing that makes me hate this product as well is how other cars have to be equipped with the technology to work all the time. A Cadillac CTS Sedan runs for 40 thousand dollars. I do not know a lot of people that can afford a car like that. Not to mention that this price is for the model out this year, not the 2016 model equipped with this “superior” technology. Mercedez Benz already have a self driving car out at the moment, and Google is also working on a self driving car. We will just have to wait and see whether or not the car works as well as GM hopes.

This was found on BBCs technology section to there website.

JIBO: “The Family Robot”

Price: $200-$600

Release Date: December 2015

Manufacturer: Jibo 

Product Summary:

     Jibo is an intelligent, hands free device that is meant to serve as a helper around the family home.  By combining artificial intelligence, two high res camera lenses, and a 360 degree microphone Jibo is equipped to help the family take pictures, make calls, set and remind schedule dates and times, video call loved ones, and much much more. 

     Basically Jibo listens and responds to your requests.  It has face recognition and is aware of which family member it is interacting with.  Another key feature of Jibo is it’s ability as an educational tool.  Jibo can read stories and play enriching games with the children.  

     While the benefits of Jibo seem obvious, many critiques have taken issue with possible effects of the family robot.  Some see this robot as a step too far toward dependency on electronics.  Not only is Jibo a tool but it is meant to be seen as a part of the family who can provide emotional satisfaction as well.  This point of view may be concerning to some consumers. 

    You can preorder Jibo now but shipping is not scheduled to start until late 2015.  Jibo can be shipped to US, Canada, EU (all 28 countries), Norway, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru & Mexico.  

     Keep a lookout for the new Jibo family robot


by: Oliver Davies