Watch What You Eat!

Have you ever gone a whole day of eating, eating, and eating, and then at the end of the night realize that you ate so much today and you cannot remember what it is exactly? Well now you can thanks to this latest technology marvel created by Edward Sazonov, professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Alabama.

The device is called an Automatic Ingestion Monitor, it wraps around the ear similar to the older bluetooth headsets. It has a camera and motion sensor that helps see how many time you chew and eat or drink. The prototype is a working machine and measures your jaw movements and by seeing how you chew it can differentiate between talking and chewing.

Quite an interesting device that seems like not such a big deal, but actually it could help a lot of people track their eating habits which is always a healthy choice and something that this country could use!


Article information was received from  written by Kelly Dickerson.

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